Luis Toro2024-04-08T14:24:52-04:00

Luis E. Toro

Reviews, Photos, & Opinions




Organization & Management

Clientelism, networks, and institutions.

Luis Toro

History student, technology enthusiast, and web developer. For a long time, I have been studying how networks work, specially clientelist networks in Rome. While reading there are many ideas that helps me understand the world, how we interact with each other, and how things could be better if only …, during those times the ideas were maybe superficially shared, but most were not.

This website is my attend to fix those forgotten thoughts, my experience with expressing and sharing so far have been few and far apart, but I hope this information may help to understand the world we live in a bit more, and to put into test all those preconceptions that linger on the background, but are ever present.

The page is divided four themes, books, concepts, captures, and networks. The books section is mainly opinions with a small summary, the concepts section is more like de distillation of the ideas that may come from those books or any other source that may help us understand our surroundings a little bit better, captures section is a bit more diffused but it will probably be more photos, and random media I find on the web that may be useful, and lastly networks – in this section the idea goes around how relations are created, how we organize, and why. This is currently the main point so let’s see how it goes.

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